If you are not going for BIOS, this option is recommended.
GPT was developed for UEFI boot type and becomes more popular now. You can use it now too, but note that this partition type isn't not working with 2TB+ disks. MBR was introduced in 1983 and for some time was the only one standard. The first one is the partition type, the second one is boot type. You have 3 options: GPT + UEFI, MBR + BIOS and MBR + UEFI. Find a bootable image you want to write.Press Refresh if the needed device is not on the list. Insert a USB stick and choose this Device in DAEMON Tools Lite.Follow these steps to create a bootable USB for Windows: Learn more about the features included in Bootable USB group in the relevant article. You can create a bootable USB for Windows, for Linux, SD card for Raspberry Pi (DD mode) or create a Live USB from Windows 10 image file.Ĭreate a Bootable USB wizard is a part of Bootable USB paid group. Create a Bootable USB wizard allows you to write a bootable image to USB stick in order to use it for operating system recovery.